Gratitude Thanksgiving Quotes to God
I am so happy to share with you these Thanksgiving Quotes to God.
Thanksgiving is a time for celebration, spending quality time with friends and family, and giving thanks to God.
I am thankful for what He has done in my live.
God wants us to show our appreciation for all that He does by sharing Thanksgiving Quotes to God with others, and giving thanks so much while we live.
Read them through, and share them with friends and family on Facebook, Pinterest and all your social medial outlets so they too can enjoy them!
In light of the upcoming holiday, I’ve created a list of 50 meaningful Thanksgiving Quotes to God of joy and gratitude.
Here is a Collection of the Best Thanksgiving Quotes of Thankfulness for You.

1. I am thankful for all the blessings you have showered me with, Lord. Thank you for the past, present and future.
2. An abundant harvest of life is what I ask You to give me today, O Lord.
3. May your name be praised this happy day, God.

4. I am grateful to You for everything in my life, Lord. I thank you for the good times and the difficult ones. Thank you for giving me the strength to go through them all.
5. I give thanks to You, God! And so does my family and friends! We’ll love and support each other this Thanksgiving Day!!

6. “I will never be able to express how much I owe to you, O God of all creation! For every breath we take is instilled with your energy!”
7. This special day is a time for us to look back fondly on our blessings, but it’s also a moment that makes us look ahead with hope.

8. “On this Thanksgiving Day, I pray that You remember me in all my life’s aspects; good times and bad! Thank you for always being there for me!”
9. I am grateful for all the people who would send their prayers my way on this Thanksgiving Day.
10. You are an endless source of surprises, O God! Thank you for never ceasing to amaze me with your love and generosity.

11. I’m thankful for all that is even remotely associated with me today, Lord!
12. May Your glory be seen everywhere on this day of thanksgiving, God!!
13. “I thank You for always being there when I need You most!”

14. This special day would not be as great if it wasn’t filled with gratitude toward my Lord! Happy Thanksgiving!
15 .”Thank You so much, O my Lord, for everything You have done for me. May this day be filled with your love and happiness!”

16. I’m so thankful for the life You have given me, Lord! The one that You have blessed me with is a life full of joy and happiness!
17. “Your hand has been there all along, every step of the way; guiding, protecting and loving me fully.”
18. Thank you God for sending Your son to take away my sins. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!!
19. Thank you for everything in this world, O God! For it’s full of magic from where I stand today!

20. “I would like to thank You from the bottom of my heart on this special day as we gather around our table to share a meal together.”
21. Thank you for every moment of this Thanksgiving Day, O God! It is because of You that I am able to do so many things today.

22. “You are the source of all my good fortune, O Lord. I will never be able to thank You enough for everything.”
23. On this day, I would like to thank the One who allowed me another year on this earth — God almighty!
24. May your name be praised by everyone on this day of thanksgiving, Lord!!

25. Every second spent with family and friends on Thanksgiving brings unending happiness into my heart.
26. This special day brings joys and laughter into our lives once again, O Lord! Happy Thanksgiving to You!!!
27. Thank you for filling my life with the warmth of happiness, God.

28. A prayer for this special day is one of the most powerful ways to show our gratitude towards God!
29. “You are always there at all times of need, O Lord.” I am thankful that You are always by my side!!
30. Thank you for everything good in my life today Lord Jesus! No amount of words can describe how much I truly thank you!!

31. I am thankful for having a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food on the table.
32. If anyone deserves thanks, it’s You! Lord! Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
33. “I’m so thankful that your love envelopes me more than anything else in this world, O Lord.”

34. Thank you for everything You’ve done for me today, God! May this day be filled with Your grace and love.
35. Watching people all across America celebrate this special day warms my heart! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
36 . A prayer for this special day is one of the most powerful ways to show our gratitude towards God!

37. On this day of thanksgiving, I’m thankful for everything I have, God. You are simply the best!
38. If you can’t find words to thank Him for His blessings, send up a prayer instead! May this be filled with gratitude and love, Lord! Happy Thanksgiving!!
39. This day is all about being grateful to our Heavenly Father; may we never take that privilege for granted.

40. “Thank you for always listening to my every word! May Your presence guide me throughout today!”
41. With each passing year of my life, I’m more sure of one thing — gratitude towards Thee Lord!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
42 . Every blessing in my life has led me here, so I’m very thankful for it all today, Lord.

43. For everything I have in this world, may it be filled with endless love and gratitude towards You, O God! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
44. A prayer for this special day is one of the most powerful ways to show our gratitude towards God!
45. Thank you for filling my life with joy, happiness and laughter today, Lord!! May Your beauty brighten up my whole world during this Thanksgiving Day!

46 . I’m thankful that You are always by my side!!
47. “I hope everyone remembers to say a prayer of thanks at least once on this special day.” Happy Thanksgiving!!
48. The beauty of this day is seeing people gather together just to celebrate all the wonderful things in their lives, God!

49. I’m thankful for the sun that shines brightly on me every day; may it bring an abundance of joy to everyone!
50. Thank you for everything good in my life today Lord Jesus! No amount of words can describe how much I truly thank you!!
I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving day!
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