Every day, read a list of powerful daily affirmations. Morning affirmations are the most effective, because your mind is clear and empty, free of thoughts.
You can read affirmations right after you wake up or even before going to bed. If it’s more convenient for you, you can repeat them anytime during the day when your mind is free.
Positive Morning Affirmations
Make positive morning affirmations part of your morning routine. Using positive affirmations to start the day can actively replace negative thoughts. Writing affirmations help reaffirm them.
Give these good morning affirmations a try. Create a weekly affirmation challenge and keep track and journal how you feel each day. Just start with today’s affirmation and get the ball rolling.
List of Morning Affirmations
1. I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.
2. I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guide.

3. Feeling confident, assured, and strong is a normal part of my everyday life.
4. My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now.
5. My daily success empowers me to take action.
6. I will do what it takes to succeed in my life.

7. Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.
8. I continuously push myself to learn and develop in areas of life that bring me happiness, freedom, and purpose.
Positive Morning Affirmations of The Day

9. I am excited to wake up each morning and experience this beautiful life, that I am creating with my thoughts and visions.
10. Today, I put my energy into things that matter to me.

11. I focus on what I can control, and let go of the rest.
12. I feel happy and content at this moment right now.
13. I will be open-minded and always eager to explore new avenues to success.
14. I wake up every morning ready for a new day of exciting possibilities.
15. I choose to do great things today.

16. Today I am optimistic. I think positively and surround myself with positive energy.
17. Today is going to be a great and fulfilling day.
18. I will move through my day appreciating all the things I have.
Positive Self Affirmations

19. I feel positive in every cell of my body.
20. Today is going to be so fun, I can feel it.
21. I start my day in gratitude for what I already have.

22. I am grateful for all of the life blessings that are coming my way.
23. I am choosing to be happy and grateful today.
24. Today I set goals I know I can reach.

25. Every day I discover interesting and exciting new paths to pursue.
26. This is a new day, and all possibilities are available to me.
27. I work hard today to make all of my tomorrows amazing.
28. Nothing can stop me from having an amazing day.

29. Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself I have the power to make me happy today.
Good Morning Affirmations

30. My Life is a beautiful gift.
31. I am looking forward to today’s day.
32. I am learning and becoming better every day.

33. I wake up in the morning feeling happy about my life.
34. My mind is free of resistance and open to the possibilities.
35. I am motivated to make this day the best day possible.

36. I give myself permission to let go and be at peace.
37. I will be proud of my accomplishments at the end of the day.
38. Living happily is my natural state of being.
39. With the first breath I inhale, I am thankful for all my blessings.
40. Happy to have the blessing of a beautiful morning.
41. With a thankful heart, I am off to a great start.
Powerful Morning Affirmations

42. Today will be a very positive day for me.
43. I wake up full of energy and ready to start the day.
44. I am happy with my life.
45. Taking a moment to reflect each morning helps me to face the world with a positive attitude.
46. I greet today with calmness and confidence.
47. I will face the day with an open heart and an open mind.
48. Though today may be difficult, it is only temporary.
49. No matter what happens today, I will stay positive and upbeat.
50. I believe I can be all that I want to be.
51. There is so much joy in this world waiting for me today.
52. Being happy is a habit; and the choice is mine.
Positive Morning Affirmations

53. Every day I discover interesting and exciting new paths to pursue.
54. Wonderful things will happen to me today.
55. I appreciate everything I have in my life and always keep the door open for more blessings.
56. I am surrounded by people who love and support me.
57. I can and I will. Anything is possible because I believe in myself and my abilities.
58. I have the will and desire to reach unlimited heights of success.
59. Today, I аbаndоn mу оld hаbіtѕ аnd take up nеw, mоrе роѕіtіvе оnеѕ.
60. I will make good choices all day using my inner wisdom.
61. My positive thoughts create positive outcomes.
Daily Positive Affirmations

62. Today, I have enough time to do everything I need to do.
63. I will remain focused on my goals and not allow anyone or anything to ruin my day.
64. I set myself free when I release emotional burdens.
65. Today, I am stronger than yesterday.
66. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all.
67. Every day in every way I am feeling happier.
68. I am ready to experience this day with joy.
69. The Best Is Yet To Come And Today Will Be The Best Day I’ve Ever Had
70. Dreams turn to achievements when I set meaningful goals.
71. My life is filled with joy and good energy.
72. I believe in myself, truly and deeply.
73. I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.
Motivational Positive Affirmations

74. Good things will flow into my life today.
75. I start every day off on the right foot.
76. What a precious privilege it is to be alive.
77. My drive and ambition allow me to achieve my goals.
78. I am thankful for this new day, another chance, a fresh beginning.
79. I am on the path that allows me to be happy.
80. I will have a very productive day today!
81. I am starting my day with a good mood and inspiring thoughts.
82. Today I choose to focus and increase my productivity.
83. I will follow my dreams and start creating my reality.
84. I have all I need to make my day better.
85. I choose to feel good in every moment.
86. I am focused on my goals and feel passionate about what I want in life.
87. I have the power to make my dreams come true.
Affirmation of The Day

88. I adapt and change to my circumstances. I flow like a river.
89. I grow and become a better version of myself every day.
90. I love myself. I accept myself. I forgive myself.
91. I attract positive things and people in my life.
92. I honor my responsibilities with joy.
93. I manifest abundance easily.
94. I radiate with self-confidence and self-esteem.
Positive Affirmations to Say Everyday

95. All my relationships are healthy and loving.
96. I аm thе аrсhіtесt of mу lіfе; I buіld іtѕ fоundаtіоn аnd сhооѕе іtѕ соntеntѕ.
97. I know a positive attitude can bring me success.
98. I know all of my problems have solutions.
99. Today I will choose to the see the good in everything and everyone.
100. I’m so grateful to know that I will have Divine guidance with me all day all I make my way through each experience and decision.
More affirmations
Hope these morning affirmations gave you the motivation to start your new journey.
Create a list with your favorite positive affirmations to start the day. Print it or save it on your phone so you can always look at them.
You can also choose your favorite affirmation of the day and pin it to your wall or fridge so you can see it all day long.