Can You Refreeze a Thawed Turkey? - BeCentsational

Can You Refreeze a Thawed Turkey?

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In this article, you will learn if it is safe to re-freeze a thawed turkey and the proper way to handle and cook it.

Every year, people try to save money by buying a frozen turkey. You need to know how to properly thaw a frozen turkey.

But first, can you refreeze a thawed turkey? Yes, you can refreeze a thawed turkey. However, it is important to follow safe handling methods. Thaw a turkey in the refrigerator until it becomes soft and pliable. You can refreeze a thawed turkey if it has been kept refrigerated for no more than two days. This rule includes both raw turkey and cooked turkey.

Poultry is prone to bacteria growth, and the warmer it becomes in temperature, the more likely bacteria will grow.

How Long Can You Refreeze a Thawed Turkey?

If you store your uncooked turkey in the freezer, you can refreeze it for up to 6 months.

If your turkey has been thawed in the refrigerator, you can store it there for only two days.

Refreezing a turkey that has been kept at room temperature is not safe because bacteria multiply rapidly at room temperature.

When freezing a thawed turkey, it is best to double-wrap it. Use heavy-duty aluminum foil and seal the turkey inside.

This will prevent freezer burn and keep out contaminants such as other foods or liquids that may be present in your freezer.

How to Refreeze a Thawed Turkey?

If you’ve thawed your turkey and now realize that you won’t be able to cook it in time, you can refreeze it. However, there are some important steps to follow.

Steps to safely refreeze a thawed uncooked turkey.

1. Make sure the turkey is completely thawed before refreezing it.

2. Put the turkey in a tightly sealed container or bag.

3. Freeze the turkey as quickly as possible.

4. Label the container or bag with the date and time of freezing.

5. Use or eat the turkey within 2-6 months of freezing it.

How can you tell if a frozen turkey is bad?

If you have a frozen turkey that has been stored in the freezer for more than 6 months, it is probably bad.

Signs that a frozen turkey is bad include:

-The turkey has been frozen for more than 6 months.

-The turkey has ice crystals on it.

-The turkey smells bad.

-The turkey is slimy.

-The turkey has freezer burn.

What is The Right Way to Thaw a Turkey for Refreezing?

There are a few simple steps to thawing a turkey before refreezing it.

To begin, you need to understand that the steps must be done in a specific order so as not to cause bacteria growth.

Step 1. Identify the turkey size

Step 2. Find a container that can fit the turkey

Step 3. Place the turkey in the container

Step 4. Submerge the turkey in cold water then change the water every 30 minutes

Step 5. Cook immediately after removing from water

Can You Refreeze a Cooked Turkey?

Yes, you can refreeze a cooked turkey. You can refreeze a cooked turkey if it has been kept refrigerated for no more than two days. Cooked turkey can be stored in the freezer for up to four months. When you are ready to use it, thaw it in the refrigerator until it becomes soft and easy to work with.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that frozen food should be stored at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Can You Refreeze a Thawed Turkey Breast?

Yes, you can refreeze a thawed turkey breast. When freezing a thawed turkey breast, it is best to double-wrap it. Use heavy-duty aluminum foil and seal the turkey inside. If the turkey breast was defrosted outside of the refrigerator, it is not safe and therefore not recommended to refreeze.


Refreezing a turkey is a great way to save money. You can also freeze other proteins such as Shrimp, salmon, or beef.

It is important to remember that if you are going to refreeze a turkey, it is best to do so as quickly as possible in order to avoid food poisoning.

Just follow these simple steps above to refreeze your bird safely.

Thank you for reading this article on refreezing a turkey. I hope it’s been helpful.

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